
Hi! I’m Nat, I started this blog what seems like a really long time ago and now I just decided that I wanted to start writing again and here I am. When I first started the blog in 2017 I think, it was to write about my experiences in Korea. After being unsuccessful in obtaining an E2 visa to go teach English in Korea I caved and went to learn Korean instead. I can’t really tell you why I wanted to go to Korea and definitely can’t tell you why I wanted to go so badly because… well I actually have no idea.

Now several years and experiences later I’ve found myself having that same feeling and desire to go back to Korea. Some changes at my job have sparked the Korea flame again and I find myself looking at teacher blogs and age discrimination when teaching English in Korea. And so I’m back… No plan as to what I want to write about or anything just here to see where it takes me, all while hoping it can take me back to Korea.